jueves, 4 de marzo de 2010

Niños, adolescentes y medios de comunicación

Hoy os queremos hablar de un estudio publicado por V.C. Strasburger y B.J. Wilson sobre la recepción y el impacto de los medios de comunicación en los públicos infantil y adolescente. La obra comprende acercamientos a la publicidad, la violencia, los videojuegos, la sexualidad, las drogas, la imagen corporal y los desórdenes alimenticios, la música e internet.
El estudio publicado en 2002 lleva el título de Children, adolescents and the media, (Niños, adolescentes y medios de comunicación).

Podéis leer la siguiente reseña sobre estes estudio, redactada en inglés:

This text provides comprehensive, research-oriented background to the developmental impact of the varied interactions children and adolescents have with the modern media. The approach is grounded in the media-effects tradition. The authors target areas most controversial and at the heart of debates about mass media and public health, thus equipping students to approach the media as critical consumers.

Each chapter provides the latest research and seminal studies on such issues as advertising, violence, video games, sexuality, drugs, body image and eating disorders, music, and the Internet. Because research alone can be dry and difficult to follow, each chapter is liberally sprinkled with illustrations, examples from the media, cartoons and other illustrations, policy debates, and real-life instances of media impact.

Also found throughout are sections on media literacy and recommendations for how students can help in the search for solutions to current media-related problems.
The Second Edition includes new chapters illustrating beneficial aspects of the media, including possibilities for encouraging prosocial development and educational media.

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